Tejeda Middle School PTA

Welcome Tejeda Timberwolves! We hope you will use this website throughout
the school year to find important information about the Tejeda PTA
including forms and information on upcoming events.
We are looking forward to a fun year in the "Den!".
Preparing for 2024-2025
School Year

As we prepare for the new school year, we have a couple of openings on our PTA Executive Board. If you are interested in being involved in the school and with the PTA, please contact PTA President Kerry Jonietz. No experience is necessary - training will be provided, plus PTA is a TEAM effort. We all work together to enrich our student's school. We also have positions that can be done mostly at home or even if you work.
Don't feel up to a board position? Don't forget to sign up for our volunteer list (Click the Volunteer button below to be added to our list.) As we need volunteers or donations for staff appreciation events, by signing up you will receive an email about these needs and can help out when and where you are available - even if it is just providing us with food for the staff.

We encourage you and your family - including your students - to join Tejeda PTA to show your support for Tejeda Middle School and have a voice in the decision making. Tejeda PTA members consists
of students, parents, guardians, caregivers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, staff, and community members. Being a member of PTA gets you connected to your child’s education, provides a wealth of resources, and allows you to be a role model and voice for your child. An individual who pays dues to our local PTA automatically becomes a member of the state and national PTAs*.
Students are highly encouraged to join Tejeda PTA and become a voice in your own education.
Being an active member of your community looks good on scholarships, grants, college and
job applications.
For only $7.50 each, Tejeda PTA members back the future of our T-Wolves by advocating for the educational, emotional, physical and mental well-being of all students.
Click the "Join PTA" button below to print the form and return to school with your payment. Or, you can NOW join ONLINE with no fees by clicking on "PTA Store"!
Our goal is to have one PTA member (one voice) for each Timberwolf at Tejeda!

Calling all Student Volunteers
For 2024-2025, Tejeda PTA will be recognizing student volunteer service hours via:
NEISD Student Volunteer Service Award (SVSA)
Click HERE for more information on the programs and how to enter service hours. All hours earned between April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025 are eligible and should be logged online by visiting the NEISD Portal. Click on Parent Portal.
Deadline for hours to be entered is March 31, 2025.
All participating students with at least 20 service hours will be recognized at the end of the year award ceremony.
SVSA Service Hour Levels
Bronze 25+ Silver 50+ Gold 75+

2024-2025 PTA
Membership Meetings
September 10th 6:00pm
Silent Auction & Greenback Night
October 8th 6:00 pm
Program TBD
**December 9th 6:00 pm
Life Member Recognition
(This is a Monday)
February 11th 6:00 pm
Nominating Committee Election
Program TBD
April 8th 6:00 pm
Fine Arts Night &
Officer Elections

Go T-Wolves