Tejeda Middle School PTA
Community members can support the Tejeda PTA by being a community sponsor. All sponsorships are 100% tax deductible and a tax receipt will be provided upon receipt of payment. There are different sponsorship packages and benefits available. We are very appreciative of our community support and THANK YOU for being so generous!!
Please visit our 2024-25 generous community sponsors.
There are a variety of ways for our community businesses to support Tejeda Middle School.
They can become a community sponsor, donate to our Silent Auction fundraiser or become a community member of the NorthEast Council of PTAs. When you buy a community membership, you are joining a cluster of NEISD PTAs. This means you are a member of each local unit PTA in that highschool or middle school cluster. You will get a certificate to proudly hang in your office, business or home; a window decal for your car or business window; and a listing on the NE Council of PTAs website and Facebook page. You can view our Community Membership Form and options for more information.

THANK YOU to these businesses for their generous support of Tejeda Timberwolves for the 2024 Silent Auction!! These items will help us raise funds to support PTA programs, events and supplies during the year.
We THANK our parents and community businesses for their generous support of Tejeda PTA!
